Our Services

LDC works with a variety of services who can assist the participant to maintain their independence and quality of life.

Support Workers

Support workers are a vital contributor to NDIS participants daily life.  They assist participants to live independently  in their own home and in the community. Support they provide can include:

  • Personal cares including hygiene needs
  • Social and community support such as shopping, entertainment and attending appointments
  • Supporting participants to build skills
  • Assisting with communication and mobility needs

Support Co-ordinator

Support Coordinators assists you to understand and implement your NDIS plan. They help to coordinate your supports such as Support Workers, Domestic services and link you to Allied Health Specialists and much, much more. Support Coordinators help you manage your funding and prepare reports to the NDIS

Psychosocial Recovery Coach

A Psychosocial Recovery Coach supports participants with Psychosocial Disabilities in their Recovery Journey. They help to manage complex challenges of daily living including relationships, employment, and accommodation. They work in collaboration with participants, their family and other services to design and implement Recovery Plans and help with the coordination of other NDIS supports.

Domestic Support

Domestic Services include cleaners and yard maintenance. These services support participants in maintaining their home environment.

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapists (OT) are an integral part of the team. They can help you maintain, regain or improve your independence through the use of equipment, tools and strategies. Having an OT assessment is a vital component of NDIS funding. Their assessments and recommendations support participants to access the necessary funding to purchase necessary equipment. This may include mobility equipment such as wheelchairs, scooters, walking frames, specialised beds and chairs. They are a participants go to service for ramps, rails and other minor home modifications. OT’s also are able to assist with purchasing utensils or tools that make everyday activities easier including kitchen, bathroom and other utensils.

Lotus Disability Care partners with a number of OT’s including specialist home modification practitioners who support clients with more detailed and complex capital works such as bathroom renovations, lifts, large ramps and rails. They have access to Registered builders and provide the NDIS with essential assessments and quotes to facilitate approvals and monitor the work being carried out


Physiotherapists focus on rehabilitating people with injuries, illness or disabilities. They are able to provide education and techniques for pain management. Lotus Disability Care partners with physiotherapists that specialise in a variety of chronic conditions and disabilities who can come to the participant’s home if required. Sessions focus on regaining and maintaining physical function, improving pain and deformity and education with the client and carers to improve mobility, comfort and safety.

Exercise Therapsit

Exercise physiology (EP) can support people living with disability and chronic medical conditions. EP works to minimise the negative impact that disability or chronic illnesses has on a person. Benefits can include improved mobility, pain management, increased strength and better balance. It works to recondition the body through improving fitness, flexibility and strength. This overall has a positive influence on comfort, safety and quality of life.

Speech Pathologist

A speech pathologist diagnose and treat communication disorders. These includes problems with speaking, stuttering, understanding language and using voice. They also help people with swallowing and feeding problems.
Common disorders Speech Pathologists work with include cerebral palsy, dementia, developmental delays in children, hearing loss, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, stroke or other brain injury, other problems that affect speech and language.
Lotus Disability Care is able to work with participants to access the right Speech Pathologist for your condition.


A dietitian has in-depth knowledge of nutrition and its impact on individuals with disabilities. They work closely with individuals, families, and caregivers to develop personalized dietary interventions that cater to the specific needs of individuals with disabilities.
Dieticians assess and manage the unique nutritional requirements considering factors such as physical limitations, sensory issues, medication interactions, and underlying medical conditions. They then create personalised nutrition plans for individuals. The most important goal is ensuring that the necessary nutrients to support overall health and well-being is met. Conditions dieticians work with include unintentional weight loss and malnutrition, weight management, eating disorders, diabetes, implementing texture-modified diets, improving nutritional deficiencies from fussy eaters, managing bowel issues like constipation or diarrhoea and assisting with enteral feeding requirements.

Psychologists and Mental Health Counsellors

Lotus Disability Care has ongoing liaisons with a variety of local psychologists and counsellors Therapists work closely with the Lotus team to assist support participants and their careers with strategies, setting and achieving goals and working through your recovery journey.
Lotus Disability Care has ongoing liaisons with a variety of local psychologists and counsellors that provide a variety of supports including different therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment (ACT) Interpersonal Therapy, Mindfullness, Family Therapy and Supportive Psychotherapy. Therapists work closely with the Lotus team to assist support participants and their carers with strategies, setting and achieving goals and working through your recovery journey.
Psychotherapy is an integral part of managing Psychosocial Disabilities such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder or dependent personality disorder, phobias, panic disorder, addictions (including alcoholism, drug dependence and gambling addiction), eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Lotus Disability Care connects you to the right therapist for your individual needs. We maintain close relations with practitioners to ensure services meet your psychosocial goals and support your Recovery Journey.

Other Therapist

Other Therapies

Equine Therapist

Equine Therapy

Equine assisted psychotherapy incorporates horses into the therapeutic process. Equine therapy helps people develop skills such as emotional regulation, self-confidence, and responsibility.

Music Therapist

Music therapy has been well researched and utilised for many years to support people in improving their health, functioning and well-being. It can help individuals to manage their physical and mental health and enhance their quality of life. Music therapy has shown to have positive outcomes on a variety of conditions including mental health conditions, dementia and autism

Art Therapist

Art therapy is a well used therapy based on the idea that creative expression can foster healing and mental and emotional well-being. It allows people to express themselves through colour and medium. Many creative artists have been known to have mental health conditions and are able to express themselves through creative practices.